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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    Flawed Powell article dishonest

    I read the Chris Powell column (Feb. 20), “US Wrecks Ukraine,” with disbelief. In the article, Mr. Powell blames the United States for Russia's invasions of Ukraine in both 2014 and the current war that started two years ago. This accusation is simply incorrect. Unfortunately, it is also an irresponsible and dangerous accusation because its a flat-out lie.

    Thousands of courageous men, women and children are dying in Ukraine because Vladimir Putin is a brutal tyrant who is responsible for countless murders and war crimes. The leadership change in 2014 was a popular movement by Ukrainian citizens. Known as the Revolution of Dignity, they preferred better relations with the European Union vs. the Russian-controlled president whose corrupt government was its own undoing. As such, he was forced to flee the country after the election. The new government continued to resist Russia's interference so Putin invaded. NATO membership was barley in the conversation back in 2014, because corruption under the previous Russian-supported government had to be addressed.

    Mr. Powell goes on to compare the 1962 Cuban missile crises to the current Ukraine war, a completely flawed analogy. Comparing a naval blockade to prevent the installation of nuclear weapons to a World War II-style invasion intended to destroy and subjugate a sovereign nation with no justification is completely flawed.

    Paul Young


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