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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    Electric rate payers need relief now

    The situation we electric rate payers find ourselves in right now is ludicrous.

    The state stopped people from working during the pandemic. The state mandated electric suppliers could not shut off power to individuals that didn’t pay their bills (people were forced to not work and random scofflaws were milking the system.) Now the suppliers (and apparently the state is OK with it) want the rate payers to take up the slack? Are they kidding? All of us that paid our bills are now supposed to subsidize all who did not while under state mandate! The state created this mess and the state needs to step up and get us out of it. If there is anything left in the COVID Relief Fund, it should all go to the electrical suppliers to pay for the service they were mandated by the state to provide for free. Forget the pork barrel pet projects the state and municipalities are sucking off the fund.The COVID Relief Fund's intent was relief and we surely need it now!

    Write PURA, your state rep and your state senator to express your dismay and disapproval or just pay!! I can assure you PURA is listening.

    Ted Genard


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