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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    Mayor Hedrick works across party lines for Groton

    I’m glad my Democrat Mayor was seen at the current state senator’s fundraiser, Republican or Democrat. And I suspect he’ll be seen at the Democratic candidate’s fundraiser, too. It’s called “playing well with others,” Mr. Collins.

    Instead of judging people by their race, creed, sexual orientation, height, weight, or that little letter in parentheses after their last name on the voting list, Mayor Hedrick may judge people on the content of their character. Clearly, it’s pretty hard to do that by reading a newspaper; better go talk to them at an event and find out for yourself.

    The mayor has always done what he thinks is best for the city of Groton, and he is willing to work with others for the city’s betterment. It’s the bipartisanship that gets work done. Repeat after me, Mr. Collins, “working together.” Now do you really want to take your D-labeled ball and go home, or roll up your sleeves?

    Gretchen Gauthier


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