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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    Party loyalty or common sense?

    Perhaps David Collins is the face of what government has become in our country. A system where instead of working together for the good of the people, it is run by those in office who are more bound by partisan loyalties than common sense.

    I applaud the event that Mr. Collins finds to be a bad thing, that is, the presence of a Democratic mayor at a fundraiser for a Republican State Senator, both of whom represent the town of Groton, and both of whom, presumably, want the best for its citizens.

    Perhaps too, The Day should look at the postings of their columnist and evaluate whether he makes any attempt at fair and balanced presentation of the news. His column does not show up on the Opinion page, but on the front page of the Region section. It is not news; it is a point of view.

    The Day owes its readers a more balanced perspective than he gives, either by getting rid of Mr. Collins or by finding someone to present a counterpoint to his persistently biased perspective.

    Mary Ann Romano

    Old Lyme

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