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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    Where’s the juice?

    It was interesting reading The Day (Thursday, March 25). First an AP article, “EPA issues new auto rules,” then David Collins, “Legislators: Pump the brakes on data centers." The common thread was energy, or should I say lack thereof.

    The EPA article expounded upon all the benefits of EVs without so much as a peep about the additional electrical generation and distribution that would be required by millions of EVs in the not so far distant future of 2030. Mr. Collins mentions that a proposed data center in Waterford should be delayed “until the effects on the power grid and electric rates can be properly studied.” I wonder if the EPA has done that homework regarding EVs. It seems the bureaucracy doesn’t have time to study the negatives of their grandiose ideas.

    Along with rolling along in EVs, we will also have rolling blackouts if the energy factor is not addressed before mandates are enacted. It takes many years to permit a nuclear plant, and that is the only source capable of the massive energy required by data centers and EVs. Anyone who thinks wind and solar can provide the needed power simply does not know the science of the energy requirements. I wrote a letter in The Day on this exactly two years ago. Nothing has changed!

    Ted Genard


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