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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    Paradoxical student mindset

    One would imagine the nation's best and brightest students would have room in their heads for concepts fundamental to wisdom, such as nuance and understanding. Yet according to a recent Politico article dated April 14, "The Antisemitism is Disproportionate," it would seem that even students at ostensibly "elite" universities can be unwise, uncouth and frankly unbelievable, despite all the knowledge they may possess.

    You would think that the young students would understand that one can support a nation while simultaneously having utmost disdain for their government, just as one may support the USA while being anti-Trump. But these gormless children are disinterested in the complexity of geopolitical history, or even the idea that their "protests" might only alienate people more than they could be actively convincing others to their perspective through sympathy.

    They also seem to be disinterested in putting away that awfully broad brush, having a bizarrely callous resentment for both Israelis — even if they may be against Netanyahu's rule, such as my cousin — and Jews worldwide. It's enough to make a Klansman blush. These students may be highly knowledgeable, yet paradoxically, they have so much to learn.

    Max Ian Engel

    East Lyme

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