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    Saturday, September 14, 2024

    School boards need student representatives

    As a high school student, I have started to wonder about something when it comes to school boards. I know the media has shown many disagreements between school boards and families nationally, and I think I have a way to help.

    What if a student leader could be appointed by peers to serve on the school board on a rotational basis each year? At the start of each school year, a new student would serve. By having a student's voice, the board would hear new, first-hand opinions and perspectives on school life. Serving would also allow students to have a voice in decisions that affect them. Whether it is talking about the school culture, new programs, athletics, or if the semester system works best for learning, students could feel like they have a say in what decisions are being made about their school.

    Serving on the school board would also give students a chance to experience what it is like to work with community leaders, which in turn can help students grow in their public speaking abilities, learn more about the field of education, and gain insight into what happens behind the scenes to help make schools better. In so doing, I think student opinions can and will make a difference. I also think they are crucial to schools' success.

    Lauren Gerboth


    Editor’s note: Lauren Gerboth is a junior at Waterford High.

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