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    Tuesday, October 22, 2024

    Defending liberty means protecting the rights of all

    As a firm believer in the sanctity of our Constitution, the Bill of Rights and individual liberties, I stand committed to protecting these fundamental rights. It is disheartening to see certain politicians and even the Supreme Court attempting to dictate who and how American citizens are allowed to love or marry. Why should they have the power to prevent two consenting adults from being together? Is this not a direct assault on our unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

    It appears that for some, our liberties only hold value when they are bestowed upon those they deem worthy, a notion that I find deeply un-American. It's abhorrent to witness the relentless attacks on the LGBT+ community by these individuals who hypocritically claim to champion individual liberties. When one member of a community is targeted for no reason other than their identity, it sets a dangerous precedent that threatens us all. This is a direct assault on the very fabric of American liberties.

    As we commemorate Pride Month, let us not remain silent in the face of assaults on our rights, as an assault on one is an assault on all.

    Nick Menapace

    East Lyme

    Editor’s note: The writer is a Democrat seeking his party’s nomination for state representative in the 37th District.

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