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    Local News
    Friday, July 26, 2024

    State increases reimbursement for Groton elementary school construction

    Groton ― State Reps. Aundré Bumgardner, D-Groton, and Christine Conley, D-Groton, announced in a news release that the state is increasing its rate of reimbursement to the town for construction of the Thames River Magnet School, which opened in the fall of 2021.

    The construction was part of the Groton 2020 schools plan to build two new intradistrict magnet elementary schools and a new consolidated middle school.

    The legislators said in the release that the state Department of Administrative Service's reimbursement rate has increased from 47.5% to 57.5%, which will save Groton taxpayers an estimated $4 million.

    Conley said by phone that this was the last piece of increased funding to help address longstanding issues of racial imbalance and equity.

    “This is a victory for Groton residents who are trying to save while funding our incredible schools,” Conley said. “This positive step not only provides immediate relief to individuals and families but also sets the stage for economic prosperity.”

    “Saving Groton taxpayer dollars has always been a huge priority,” Bumgardner said. “This additional state funding will ease the tax burden on our residents, allowing them to keep more of their hard-earned income and successfully close out our Groton 2020 plan.”

    Groton Superintendent of Schools Susan Austin said she is thrilled that it is a cost savings to the town and to the town taxpayer.

    Austin said overall the $184.5 million Groton 2020 school project to build two new elementary schools and a new consolidated middle school was on time and under budget by about $14.5 million. With state reimbursement, the total amount it is estimated to cost Groton taxpayers is over $70 million.


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