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    Local News
    Friday, July 26, 2024

    Scholarships available for some Pine Point applicants

    Stonington - Students in grades five and six that apply and enroll at Pine Point School for the first time are now eligible to receive a $6,000 scholarship.

    The merit scholarship, available through the Campbell Scholars Program, is given to scholars who maintain strong academic performance and exemplary citizenship throughout the remainder of their years at Pine Point School.

    The scholarship program supports the memory of Irene Campbell, one of the school's most influential educators.

    Recipients can receive up to $6,000 and the award is given without regard to a student's financial aid status.

    Families of students who wish to be considered for the Campbell Scholars Program should contact the Admission Office for an application and program details. Contact Julie Abbiati at (860) 535-0606 or e-mail, admission@pinepoint.org. For additional information visit www.pinepoint.org.

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