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    Local News
    Tuesday, October 22, 2024

    $101,836 in 2014 Bodenwein grants announced

    The Bodenwein Public Benevolent Foundation announced $101,836 in grants to nonprofit agencies Monday. Gary Farrugia, The Day's publisher, made the announcement.

    The foundation, created by the will of Theodore Bodenwein, a former publisher of The Day, will benefit 49 organizations that help needy children, families and individuals and support the arts. That is up from 42 recipients in 2013 and represents a slightly higher funding total than a year ago.

    In 2012, the foundation distributed $25,000 to 16 organizations, the lowest total in decades. Since 1960, the fund has donated about $10.7 million.

    The Bodenwein foundation makes grants in the towns of The Day's circulation area in southeastern Connecticut.

    Many of the latest distributions are for grants of about $2,000 and include a special care fund for Center for Hospice Care of Southeastern Connecticut; a writing program for inner-city youth at Hygienic Art in New London; emergency shelter support for families at the Mystic Area Shelter & Hospitality; and a college access program at Primera Iglesia Bautista Hispana in New London.

    The Day Trust, a split-interest trust, oversees The Day's news gathering and publishing operations and administers the Bodenwein Public Benevolent Foundation, whose funds come from The Day's earnings. Bodenwein, publisher of The Day from 1891 to 1939, and his associates conceived the arrangement, which is spelled out in his will.

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