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    Sunday, June 16, 2024

    Norwich officials sworn in

    Board of Education members listen to the National Anthem during a swearing-in ceremony on Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2019, at Norwich City Hall's Council Chambers. (Sarah Gordon/The Day)
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    Norwich — A full house greeted the newly sworn in City Council, Board of Education and city treasurer with applause and cheers, Tuesday following a ceremonial procession into the Council Chambers, led by local Boy Scouts and officers of the Norwich police and city and volunteer fire departments.

    In his invocation, Rabbi Julius Rabinowitz reflected on the ethnic, religious and cultural diversity of both the elected officials and the city at large and prayed that all elected officials and the general public work together.

    “We are all brothers and sisters of one another, because we are all your children,” Rabinowitz prayed.

    The new council has four Democrats, re-elected Alderman Joseph DeLucia, former Alderman Mark Bettencourt and newcomers Derell Wilson and Ella Myles. Republican Mayor Peter Nystrom will start the second half of his four-year term, with re-elected Republican Aldermen William Nash and Stacy Gould now in the minority governing party.

    All votes Tuesday were unanimous, with Bettencourt elected as council president pro tempore to act in the mayor’s stead at ceremonial occasions and to preside at meetings. The council also amended its rules and procedures to add a budget and finance committee and to formalize the appointments/reappointments committee.

    Following the meeting, Bettencourt thanked council members for showing confidence in him for the leadership position. “It’s good to be back,” Bettencourt, the top vote-getter in November, said of his election. He said the campaign promises to improve communication and to work together with the mayor and council Republicans will not be forgotten.

    In his brief remarks, Nystrom thanked the family members of elected officials for their support, and he too pledged to work with fellow elected officials in the coming two years.

    “We have a lot of work ahead, and we all need to work hard together,” Nystrom said. “I personally look forward to the next two years.”

    The council approved appointing Aldermen Wilson, DeLucia and Gould to the Public Works and Capital Improvement Committee and named Bettencourt, DeLucia and Nash to the Public Safety Committee.

    Bettencourt, DeLucia and Gould will serve on the new Budget and Finance Committee, and Bettencourt, Myles and Gould on the Appointments/Reappointments committee.

    One piece of ceremony featured at Tuesday’s meeting could become part of regular council meetings in the coming two years. Nystrom thanked Boy Scouts of America Troop 4 and Pack 4 for leading Tuesday’s procession and presenting the colors. He said he will invite the scouts to lead the council in the Pledge of Allegiance at one meeting each month during the council term.


    Crowd members cheer as city councilors are sworn in during a ceremony Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2019, at Norwich City Hall's Council Chambers. (Sarah Gordon/The Day)
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    Mayor Peter Nystrom holds his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance during a swearing-in ceremony Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2019, at Norwich City Hall's Council Chambers. (Sarah Gordon/The Day)
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    Members of Boy Scout Pack 4 and Troop 4 of Norwich recite the pledge during a swearing-in ceremony Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2019, at Norwich City Hall's Council Chambers. (Sarah Gordon/The Day)
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    City Councilor Stacy Gould, center, and other councilors raise their hands in agreement during a swearing-in ceremony Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2019, at Norwich City Hall's Council Chambers. (Sarah Gordon/The Day)
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    City Councilors Ella Myles, right, and Derell Wilson take the oath of office during a swearing-in ceremony Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2019, at Norwich City Hall's Council Chambers. (Sarah Gordon/The Day)
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    Members of Boy Scout Pack 4 and Troop 4 of Norwich carry flags during the processional of a swearing-in ceremony Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2019, at Norwich City Hall's Council Chambers. (Sarah Gordon/The Day)
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