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    Local News
    Friday, July 26, 2024

    Kindness in Real Life: Eleven+ is coming to New London

    Elevate to Even Plus Inc., in partnership with New London’s Higher Edge, is seeking to support internship opportunities for underrepresented youths in the region.

    The New Jersey organization, also known as Eleven+, “levels the playing field for underrepresented young adults to break the cycle of social and economic inequality that exists in our communities,” according to a release. “It facilitates access to formative work experience for students of color from low-income backgrounds and helps other organizations tap into a pool of promising young talent.” The group’s expansion into New London is part of a plan to fund 100 paid internships this year. It is looking for area nonprofit partners to host interns and for donations from corporations and individuals to help underwrite the cost.

    Eleven+ already has agreements with Lyman Allyn, New London Landmarks and Garde Arts Center to host interns whose wages will be paid by Eleven+.

    “The Eleven+ internships are a true win-win endeavor, with the students getting meaningful paid work while the nonprofits get access to high caliber students without having to establish and fund internship programs on their own,” the release said.

    Higher Edge is a New London youth social services organization that guides students through college enrollment to graduation. It will be the source of intern candidates.

    Higher Edge Executive Director Katie Hallisey said in the release, “Establishing the partnership with Eleven+ was one of the highlights of last year.... we’re really looking forward to working with them to further support our students.”

    To find out more, contact Andrew Walker by emailing andrew.walker@eleven-plus.org. Additional information is available at eleven-plus.org.

    Kindness in Real Life is a regular feature. To contribute, email times@theday.com.

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