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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    Alleged family suicide note adds another layer to Todt killings

    A suicide note Anthony Todt claims his now-deceased wife Megan Todt authored states that the two parents, along with their three young children, made the decision to die together.

    Following Tony Todt’s conviction, The Day obtained the suicide note he claims his wife authored, and which he says he edited.

    The suicide note is discussed at length in the series finale of The Day’s “Looking for The Todt Family” podcast, which will be released Wednesday.

    Todt, the 46-year-old former Colchester physical therapist, was sentenced in April to four life sentences in the murders of his wife Megan, 42, and their children Alek, 13, Tyler, 11, and Zoe, 4, as well as another year in the killing of the family dog, Breezy. The murders took place in December 2019 after the family moved from Connecticut to Celebration, Fla.

    Todt told the court during the April trial that Megan wrote the note, and he later retyped it in an effort to honor his family’s wishes. It reads, “We as a family decided this course of action of salvation for several reasons.” The note says the family is “seeing the end of the world prophecy coming true” and chooses not to “have our family suffer and be subjected to foreseen tortures, cataclysmic demise and continued agony.”

    The note references Todt’s frenzied back-and-forth lifestyle between Connecticut and Florida, saying “The family will no longer be separated, and Tony will be with us always and forever now.” The note says Megan will no longer be in pain from her liver and Lyme disease complications.

    The note claims the family made the decision to die together, and cites Megan’s father’s suicide as well as Megan’s two miscarriages as reasons for the “overall depression our whole family suffers on a daily basis.”

    Al Gula killed himself in Montville in 2002. Megan Todt had a recent miscarriage as well as one eight years earlier, Todt testified at his trial.

    The note appears to verify what Todt told detectives in his confession on Jan. 15, 2020: That he and Megan were consulting the kids about this decision to die together. It uses the same language Todt used in that police interview, such as “the focus of everlasting salvation,” and “being together forever without pain and suffering, is our ultimate goal and want.”

    The middle of the note says the family lives in daily constant fear of Tony’s father, Robert Todt, who had been convicted of attempting to murder Todt’s mother. It then says the family is “proud” of what it has contributed to the world and of the love they share with each other.

    “Our one final wish is that we are kept together,” the note reads. It requests that the family’s ashes — including Breezy’s — be distributed either in the ocean or at Harkness Memorial State Park in Waterford “so that we may be with dad in eternal rest,” referencing Gula.

    The note concludes by urging people close to the Todts to “be in peace that we are no longer suffering.” The author apologizes for the “anguish and sorrow” their actions would cause, “but it was a decision we made as a family. Now we will be together forever without pain and suffering, and we will watch over and protect all of you. We Love You All!!!”

    When he was cross-examined at trial by Assistant State’s Attorney Danielle Pinnell, Todt said the note had read, “Tony, I love you forever, please forgive me.” That ending was not in the version of the note obtained by The Day.

    In his confession, Todt told Osceola County Sheriff’s detectives that he had written the suicide note with Megan, just as he told them he’d carried out the killings in concert with her. He told detectives he printed out the note after the family died. But on the witness stand, he said that Megan wrote the note on her own, then gave it to him.

    “The note I found in my pocket ... after I urinated myself in the garage after one hallucination, and drank what I thought was coffee, but I’m pretty sure was motor oil, I went into the house, stripping, and found the note in my pocket ... the note Megan had left,” Todt said during his testimony for the trial. “I didn’t read this note but from what I recall, it said we did it to the family ... and the other thing was where she wanted her ashes. At the bottom of that note it said, ‘Tony I love you forever, please forgive me.’”

    “I took it out of my urine-soaked pants, and retyped it. Because I wanted ... the family that was alive to keep the knowledge that we were a family unit,” Todt continued. “And I wanted my wife’s wishes known where she wanted the ashes buried. She wanted to be buried with her father.”

    The state’s attorney’s office responded to The Day’s request for the suicide note with a transcription of the suicide note, written by Osceola County Sheriff’s Office Forensics Supervisor Emily Seda, as well as a picture of the note that was found.

    The state’s attorney’s office said the note was never in its possession prior to trial.

    “It was evidence collected at the scene and has been in the possession of law enforcement until the day it was admitted as evidence in trial,” the SAO wrote in an email. “Emily Seda took a photograph of the note, which, for public records purposes, was exempt from release prior to the trial because it contained the substance of a confession.”

    The series finale of “Looking for The Todt Family” can be found at theday.com/todt or wherever you get your podcasts.


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