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    Local News
    Tuesday, October 22, 2024

    Welcome to More than a Month: Hispanic Heritage

    ¡Hola amigos! Hi friends! Welcome to The Day’s quarterly special section, More than a Month: Hispanic Heritage .

    I decided to become a journalist more than 20 years ago because I didn’t see people who looked like me reflected positively in the stories I read or the television stories I saw.

    Representation matters and when you see people in your community represented in a negative light you can’t help but wonder if people outside the community will too.

    This is why this issue is so special to me. You will read stories about a scientist, a nurse, an activist, a scholar and a coach. You will read about some interesting restaurants and their delectable offerings. I hope you will give their food a try. You will read about the importance of political involvement and representation.

    These stories are a positive reflection of your Latino and Hispanic neighbors.

    I hope you will enjoy this section and keep an eye out for our next edition of More than a Month, featuring Native Americans.

    If you have story ideas that you feel I should know about, please reach out to me at i.larraneta@theday.com.

    Thank you,

    Izaskun E. Larrañeta, managing editor and chair of The Day's Diversity Committee

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