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    Sunday, June 16, 2024

    Trump rallies behind VA nominee

    Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson, President Donald Trump's choice to be secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, leaves a Senate office building after meeting individually with some members of the committee that would vet him for the post, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, April 24, 2018. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

    WASHINGTON — The White House rallied around Ronny Jackson's nomination to lead the Department of Veterans Affairs late Tuesday as the president's former doctor was besieged by complaints that he improperly prescribed drugs, created a hostile workplace and became intoxicated on duty.

    The administration's decision to fight on in defense of the VA nomination came just hours after Trump suggested at a news conference that Jackson should consider pulling out because of the "abuse" he was facing. But by late afternoon, Trump huddled with Jackson and White House aides vowed to fight the charges.

    "I don't want to put a man through a process like this," Trump had said earlier when asked about Jackson's nomination during a joint news conference with French President Emmanuel Macron. "It's too ugly, and it's too disgusting."

    Trump added, "I said to Dr. Jackson, what do you need it for? To be abused by a bunch of politicians? ... If I was him . . . I wouldn't do it."

    Jackson's worsening problems flared into public view Tuesday when lawmakers nixed his confirmation hearing scheduled for Wednesday. The nomination was officially postponed by Georgia Sen. Johnny Isakson, the Republican chair of the veteran's committee, and Sen. Jon Tester, the ranking Montana Democrat.

    Later Tuesday, Tester said during an NPR interview that the committee had heard complaints from more than 20 current and former military members that Jackson had improperly given drugs, had become intoxicated on professional trips and belittled staff members.

    "We were told stories where he was repeatedly drunk on while duty where his main job was to take care of the most powerful man in the world," Tester said. "That's not acceptable."

    Tester said concerns about the allegations were "bipartisan in nature," including from Isakson.

    An Isakson spokeswoman said the senator remained undecided about the nomination but continues to harbor serious concerns.

    Hours after the president's news conference, more allegations emerged about Jackson, including a 2012 government report obtained by the Associated Press that said he exhibited "unprofessional behavior" and should be removed from his post.

    "There is a severe and pervasive lack of trust in the leadership that has deteriorated to the point that staff walk on 'eggshells,'" the report found, according to AP.

    It was another episode where a previously respected figure was lifted to prominence in Trump's orbit - only to have their sheen and reputation tarnished. Jackson had been widely hailed by three presidents and their aides as competent, charming and fiercely protective before Trump stunned Washington last month by picking the doctor to run the country's second-largest federal agency.

    Jackson declined to comment on the accusations, and senior aides said he showed no willingness to drop out as he trudged through meetings with senators on Capitol Hill Tuesday afternoon. Privately, he dismissed some of the charges to senior aides, according to administration officials, and said he was being unfairly attacked.

    "No, I'm looking forward to the hearing," Jackson said. "I was looking forward to doing it tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to getting it rescheduled and answering all the questions."

    White House officials said they were aware of accusations that Jackson gave out medicine to aides or others, including reporters, without rigorous scrutiny. But several senior officials said the drugs were usually nonnarcotic drugs, like Ambien. They also said Jackson was never intoxicated or drinking while working in the White House near Trump.

    In a private meeting with Sen. Jerry Moran, R-Kan., on Capitol Hill, Jackson denied any wrongdoing, according to the senator.

    "He does deny that he's done anything wrong in his service to the country and particularly his time at the White House as a physician in the medical unit," Moran said. Jackson "indicated that he knows of nothing that would prohibit him from being qualified, capable and the right person to be secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs."

    Jackson's nomination also marked the shattering of another norm in Trump's Washington: Veterans Affairs secretaries have historically been approved unanimously, even sometimes by a voice vote. The president left David Shulkin, an Obama nominee, in the job, in the tradition of having a bipartisan cabinet. But he soured on Shulkin and removed him after an inspector's general report showed he took exorbitant trips and misled others about them.

    There was uncertain congressional support for Jackson, a longtime presidential physician with little management experience, even before questions were raised about his conduct.

    It was unclear why White House aides had not reviewed the allegations before Jackson was nominated last month. He was picked seemingly on a whim by Trump, who fondly calls him "the Doc" and did not formally interview him before nominating him - and ousting Shulkin - by tweet.

    Concerns about Jackson were bipartisan. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., remained uncommitted to supporting the nominee, and a number of senior GOP aides on Capitol Hill estimated his chances of confirmation were slim.

    Isakson, who chairs the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee, had called White House Chief of Staff John Kelly twice in recent days to express concerns about new information, spokeswoman Amanda Maddox said.

    Isakson and Tester wrote to Trump on Tuesday morning, asking the White House to provide all documents related to Jackson's service in the White House medical unit as well as all communications between the Pentagon and the White House military office since 2006 that involve allegations or incidents connected to the physician. The senators also requested information the White House has about any allegations involving Jackson that were never relayed to the Pentagon.

    In addition to Jackson's lack of management experience at a large organization, the physician had come under fire for his glowing appraisal of Trump's health after the president had his annual physical in January. Jackson declared that the president might live to the age of 200 with a healthier diet.

    Isakson said the confirmation hearing is being delayed because the committee needs "some time to get more information."

    "I'm concerned that the press is making up far too many stories that aren't true before we even get a chance to have a meeting," Isakson said after meeting privately with Tester on Tuesday morning. "So I think Mr. Jackson and myself and Senator Tester and everybody in Congress need to take a deep breath."

    A leading veterans group said Tuesday that it was important for the Senate to fully vet a nominee to lead the department, which has had seven secretaries since the start of the war in Afghanistan.

    "On this critical leadership position at this turbulent time, [America] cannot afford a misfire by the White House," said Paul Rieckhoff, founder of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. "IAVA members nationwide are calling on the Senate to do its job at this defining time and ensure that any nominee for VA Secretary will live up to this awesome responsibility."

    Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., a member of Veterans' Affairs Committee, said Trump didn't take the time to send over a fully vetted nominee.

    "It is sloppy, it is disrespectful to our veterans and it is wrong," Murray said.


    The Washington Post's Emily Wax-Thibodeaux and Mike DeBonis contributed to this report.

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