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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    Giuliani served Ariz. indictment papers for election scheme during 80th birthday party

    Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani was served a patriotic-themed birthday cake during his 80th birthday party in Palm Beach, Florida, on Friday night — then served with a notice of indictment related to an alleged scheme to overturn the 2020 election results in Arizona.

    Giuliani was indicted last month alongside 18 other allies of former President Donald Trump in connection with their unsuccessful bid to award the state’s 11 presidential electoral votes to Trump instead of Joe Biden, who went on to win the election.

    All of the defendants had been legally served aside from Giuliani, but that changed Friday night, not long after he shared a post on X, taunting Arizona officials.

    “If Arizona authorities can’t find me by tomorrow, they: 1. Must dismiss the indictment; 2. They must concede they can’t count votes,” he wrote.

    The post, which has since been deleted, featured a photo of a grinning Giuliani surrounded by a group of people at what appeared to be his birthday celebrations. Gold and black balloons can be seen floating in the background.

    Just one hour and 14 minutes later, Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes confirmed authorities had finally located Giuliani after weeks of searching.

    “The final defendant was served moments ago,” she wrote on X at 11:20 p.m. “@RudyGiuliani nobody is above the law.”

    According to several reports, the one-time attorney was enjoying his birthday bash at the Palm Beach home of Caroline Wren — a GOP operative and adviser to Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake — when he was served.

    An unidentified party guest told CNN the celebration was interrupted late in the night by two agents from the Arizona attorney general’s office, who “stormed (Giuliani) on his way out.”

    Many guests “were visibly upset” by the incident, the witness added.

    While that moment was not part of the livestreamed celebrations, clips from the same night show the ex-mayor enjoying the festivities alongside the likes of Roger Stone and Steve Bannon, both of whom served as strategists for Trump.

    At one point, Giuliani even belted out the Frank Sinatra hit “New York, New York,” as video shows.

    In a post to X on Saturday afternoon, Giuliani denied his celebration was “ruined” by the party crashers, instead calling it an “incredible night.”

    “It felt like a strategy session on how to save America!” he said.

    Ted Goodman, a spokesman for Giuliani, echoed the sentiment, telling NBC News the former mayor remained in good spirits despite being served.

    “The mayor was unfazed by the decision to try and embarrass him during his 80th birthday party,” Goodman said. “He enjoyed an incredible evening with hundreds of people who love him — from all walks of life — and we look forward to full vindication soon.”

    Giuliani turns 80 on May 28.

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