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    Monday, June 17, 2024

    Fellow councilors urge Buscetto to resign now

    This is a very important and exciting time for New London. Impending vacancies in the positions of city manager, superintendent of schools and chief of police offer a unique opportunity for the city. The selection of individuals who will fill each of these positions will be done professionally and fairly, despite the assumptions of some.

    Recently the City Council passed a revision to the initially published requirements for the position of city manager. Now, although a master's degree and five years' experience constitute minimum requirements, an equivalent combination of education and experience will be considered. Consideration, not immediate acceptance, of alternative - but equal - requirements allows the City Council flexibility in choosing a city manager while maintaining control of the process. This flexibility was proposed by the city's personnel coordinator as an option to overtly satisfy existing state and federal guidelines, which require such provisions within job descriptions for comparable positions. Equivalency will be defined as part of the process.

    Clearly, any discussion of this topic would be incomplete without addressing the issue of Councilor Mike Buscetto's announcement regarding the city manager position. He has every right to apply for the position, but he must know that his application will be considered with no more weight than that of any other applicant. Furthermore, because of the unique circumstances surrounding his application, he must step down from the council so an impartial review process can begin. This call is consistent with comments made when this issue first arose.

    Residents of New London should have faith and confidence in the selection process for their municipal employees. Many people have expressed concern about the current process. Nevertheless, they should know that in every respect, proper protocols will be followed.

    Editor's note: The writers are Republican members of the New London City Council.