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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    Formica, GOP need to know words are not enough

    Senator Formica has spent more time ​defending his decision to vote against making voting easier​ than he has spent on a plan for our already overburdened schools or developing solutions to keep our seniors safe. In his own rather weak rebuttal he clearly states he has and will vote against making voting easier. Why is he not fighting for all forms of making voting easier and safer for everyone? He will make excuses of course, but votes speak louder than words and we should believe him when he says: “I voted against a referendum on early in-person voting.” 

    His record in the Senate is essentially a buffet of excuses on why he has voted ​against ​commonsense legislation. His typical excuse for defeating legislation is for technical reasons, but not once has he passed an amendment to implement solutions. He always has excuses after the fact. When someone tells you he does not have the courage to do the right thing, we should believe him. Unfortunately this cowardice has consequences. 

    An effort to ensure adequate staffing at nursing homes would have illuminated staffing shortages​ that could have helped protect thousands ​of our vulnerable seniors. Paul Formica was one of ​only four GOP diehards who voted against posting staffing levels in nursing homes​. I’m sure he has excuses for this one too but the thousands of seniors who passed away are not going to be relieved to hear them. The “heroes” who worked with unsafe staffing through a pandemic have no proof of their unsafe working conditions. Unfortunately more disastrous consequences are still to come. Year after year the CT GOP votes to defund education. Now, thanks to Paul Formica and the GOP, some of our schools do not have a full-time school nurse. How is this acceptable during a pandemic? Will Paul fight for us in the special session, or spend his time coming up with more excuses on why our schools don’t have the resources we need? 

    If we had a nurse as our state senator for the 20th district we would have had a focus on these issues before the crisis hit. Healthcare needs at all levels of society have become a major point of discussion, and we need someone who knows the issues on a professional level and is willing to fight for our most vulnerable residents.

    Votes speak louder than words. Make sure your vote speaks to your values this November and let Paul Formica and the GOP know that words are not good enough. Our community demands results.

    Martha Marx, a nurse, is the Democratic candidate for the 20th district state senate seat. 

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