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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    Walls, misdirection, and other ways to hide the toilet

    Bathrooms have become a popular part of the home for upscale renovations. Homeowners have several options for turning the space into a relaxing and visually pleasing area, ranging from luxurious shower stalls to waterfall faucets.

    The toilet can stick out like a sore thumb in the middle of these improvements. As a more functional item, the loo isn't usually subject to a luxury makeover, and you certainly may not feel much incentive to give it a high-end upgrade.

    The toilet isn't exactly something you can remove from the bathroom. But there are some options for making it less noticeable when making changes to the room.

    One of the most straightforward ways to hide the toilet is to set it aside in a smaller room of its own. Basco Shower Enclosures, a company based in Mason, Ohio, says establishing a cubicle with a locking door can help make the bathroom more functional. If one person is using the toilet, a separate space ensures their privacy while also allowing someone else to access the rest of the bathroom.

    At a minimum, a toilet enclosure should include a light and fan. You may also want to include some storage features as well, such as shelving or a cabinet over the toilet.

    Another way to conceal the toilet is to establish a wall or other barrier next to it. Royston Wilson, writing for the home design site Houzz, says a wall can have the effect of partially or completely blocking the toilet from view. The partition can be particularly useful next to a bathtub, since the toilet won't be visible to anyone enjoying a relaxing soak.

    If you are doing an extensive renovation, you may consider changing the layout of the bathroom. A T-shaped room can make the vanity the central feature of the room, setting the shower and toilet apart to the sides. A redesign can also ensure that the toilet won't be visible when you first enter the room.

    Establishing a focal point in the room will help draw attention away from the toilet. Some options include artwork, a striking wall pattern, a distinctive vanity, or even a window looking out onto a vista or interesting feature outside.

    Having the toilet match the color scheme of the bathroom can help it blend in, making it less noticeable. Of course, this might not work for every homeowner, especially if they don't want the bathroom to match the standard white shade of a toilet.

    Wall-mounted toilets can be concealed more easily, and can also lend a more upscale look to a renovated bathroom. This option has other benefits as well. Haniya Rae, writing for Consumer Reports, says wall-mounted toilets don't have contact with the floor, giving the room a more spacious appearance and making it easier to clean. Since the tank is hidden in the wall, the toilet takes up less space and has a more streamlined appearance.

    There are certain disadvantages to wall-mounted toilets, though. Simona Ganea, writing for the home design site Homedit, says they are more difficult and costlier to install. Wall-mounted toilets can also be more troublesome to fix; while some models have an access panel, others will require you to open up the wall to repair problems that could be solved much more simply with a traditional model.

    Some options may be too modern for some homeowners' tastes, but do work to minimize the toilet's appearance. Wilson says one unique setup is a bench setup which has the toilet built in. This platform can also be extended for purposes such as a sink base and shower bench.

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