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    Thursday, June 13, 2024

    Don't tamper with the sanctity of voting

    It looks like the Democrats are demanding mail-in votes for our country. We are getting in line to shop or get into stores. Today in Texas there are hundreds of people in line to apply for a job, yet we cannot get in line to vote. Think about it, it's hypocrisy creating corruption. That is the only way a Democrat will get in as the U.S. president.

    Democrats are tearing our system down.

    The United States Constitution states voting cannot "in any way (be) abridged." Abridge is to shorten or curtail. The 15th Amendment; the right of citizens to vote shall not be denied by the U.S.A. or by any state. Do not let this happen. Our Constitution and country are based on being a republic.

    I have not seen one day the Democrats let President Trump do his job without them accusing him of something. Seemingly they are jealous of Trump being president, probably because he is not a politician. United we stand, divided we fall. Obviously, the Democrats rather have our country fall.

    Also, it seems that most Democrats are using that party name to mask their real agenda of being national socialists. 

    Joe Biden cannot finish a paragraph without forgetting what he was talking about. I would love to have a man like that as president.

    Gregg Marchand


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