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    Guest Opinions
    Saturday, September 14, 2024

    Lack of Republican candidates running for City of Groton office

    Volunteerism is not as prevalent as it was 20 or 40 years ago. Fewer and lesser people are getting involved in today’s world and have other interests to focus their energy. The Groton Republican City Committee (GRCC), like many organizations, has experienced this first-hand over past decades. Today extreme politics at all levels of government seem to be dysfunctional, sometimes nonproductive, and one-sided, confusing residents and causing concern over being engaged. Politics has shown a general decline in interest and is difficult and exceedingly unpopular for people to engage in today’s world.

    Understand, Republicans in the City of Groton are outgunned two to one at the polls, making it extremely hard to introduce change or correct errors made in the past. In the city, when serious problems have arisen, change remains difficult to accomplish, as shown at the polls.

    It helps to understand and learn what has happened in the city during prior elections.

    * In 2012 the city Democratic council sold Thames Valley Communication (TVC) cable company, a company worth over $34.5 million at that time, for a sales price of $150,000, burdening Groton Utilities with a $35 million bond debt into the future. The voters in the 2013 city election were not willing to accept the severity of the situation, turned their heads and ignored the problem by keeping the same administration in office at the polls at the next city election. Would this alone have offered the city voters to make an administrative change at the polls to avoid future complications of this magnitude, but did not? There remains today $8.715 million of TVC unpaid bond debt remaining on the Groton Utility books with accrued interest of $60,340 at a continued cost of $25,000 in additional interest per month, continuing to burden GU electric ratepayers today.

    * When the 2016 CMEEC Kentucky Derby incident took place, again city voters in 2017 rejected alternative Republican council candidates to avoid such situations from recurring in the future. This again was a major governmental problem ignored by city voters at the polls in 2017.

    If the majority of voters in the city of Groton do not want the administration to change based on the two major botched programs above, what would it take to do so? This has caused Republicans in the city to reconsider why even try when reason for change has no impact at the polls.

    * During the 2017 election, the city Democratic Party made direct false and offensive personal attacks against a Republican candidate’s character and integrity, knowing these damnations would destroy their public’s image forever, with the intention to discredit this individual in the eyes of the voters. These untruths and deceptions permanently question the integrity and character of our candidate in the public’s eye, tarnishing that individual’s honor and truthfulness throughout the community. These personal offensive false accusations question and hinder future interest for individuals wanting to engage in politics.

    * During the 2021 city election, soon after the January 6 incident at the Capitol, our city Republican candidates received powerful threatening attacks. There was a great amount of hatred going on at that time towards Republicans. Those city Republican candidates have families. To avoid harm, and protect their families, one by one, each candidate withdrew from running for city council office, resulting in offering no Republican candidates for election that year.

    Admittedly, these incidents above did not occur during the present Democratic City Council administrations watch.

    The GRCC continues to reach out to Republican individuals to join our ranks and run for Groton City Council, and Republican voters are not willing to get involved for the following reasons:

    * Republicans in the city are outnumbered 2 to 1 at the polls, making city elections extremely difficult.

    * Most city voters are not willing to make administrative changes to avoid making major mistakes made in the past.

    * Local voters are confused between the distinction between the National, state and local political parties. Policies and programs are different from the needs at the local party level.

    * Lack of national Republican unity makes it difficult for Republican supporters to become engaged in local politics today.

    * The city beach, city roads and police are fine, so why should the city voters be interested in change during any election? Where there is no political conflict there is no interest in getting involved and making change.

    * Residents are no longer concerned or engaged with the day-to-day operations of the city.

    * Citizens today have families to run and no time for politics.

    * Social media platforms have taken away from the time and interest of individuals in local politics and volunteerism.

    * Confusion over the Republican national direction as leaders and lack of moderation.

    * The GRCC not being able to stimulate interest or membership in its ranks or candidates for office.

    This all adds to the many reasons why city Republicans believe running for office is futile and a waste of time, making the GRCC work harder to find candidates each election.

    The GRCC is interested in bringing Republican voters on the City Council to offer open conservative debate, alternative ideas and work in a bipartisan manner to make city government better and improve the city for the future. The GRCC will not offer unqualified candidates to run for office and will do its best to offer only capable individuals who understand city government and the city’s needs going forward.

    Unfortunately, the recent disruption of the national Republican party over the government almost being shut down, accompanied with the Republican house speaker’s removal, and the concern for questionable support of Israeli and Ukraine, will continue to confuse Republicans regarding what the Republican party stands for today, therefore questioning people’s interest and involvement in Republican support locally.

    All of the above has resulted in being unable to find candidates for office in the City of Groton.

    Robert Zuliani is the chairman of the Groton Republican City Committee.

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