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    Sunday, June 02, 2024

    Ebola letter wrong on facts and policy

    We should be very concerned if many Americans believe what was in the fact-challenged letter, "Obama Ebola mistrust," (Oct. 22).

    To start, Ebola is not, repeat not, communicable by airborne transmission, and there is not a single qualified health official, medical doctor or scientist in the world who will claim it is. Next, France and England have not, repeat not instituted travel bans to and from West African countries and the United States will not do so either.

    Experienced health and government officials are aware that travel bans to West Africa would do more harm than good because it would isolate impoverished nations that are barely able to cope with the outbreak and would cut them off from the international aid workers who are desperately needed in those countries.

    Certain conservative politicians and media outlets are calling for the construction of a near Fortress America to keep Ebola out of this nation. These ideas are short-sighted and nonsensical and are born not from attempts to assist stricken African countries but are merely meant to stir up needless political arguments.