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    Saturday, June 01, 2024

    No time to weaken our war on terror

    I wasn't too surprised to see so much negative reaction to the Senate torture report. I was pretty sure that this report wasn't going to show America at one of it's most proudest moments.

    However, in some ways, I really don't care. Any one-sided report in which not a single agent of the CIA was interviewed makes this report somewhat suspect, and pretty much the norm for today's Senate.

    I would have loved to have been able to see our nation's reaction if this report had been issued within a few months after 9/11. I remember the mood in this country. We wanted revenge, not justice, and maybe that is what this was - right or wrong. Now, we want peace but don't want to get our hands dirty to achieve it.

    We forget our history so easily and quickly. Terrorists organizations fight a dirty, horrific fight and simply want to kill our families and our children and impose their radical Islamic beliefs on the world. They see us as war weary, and weak, and gladly watch as America systematically removes every trace of religion and morality from it's society.

    Day by day Nikita Khrushchev's prediction comes closer, "You will bury yourselves from within."