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    Friday, September 20, 2024

    Take a closer look at North Stonington budget

    There is not a big increase in North Stonington's budget this year, but it may be a year of accountability. I am asking every taxpayer to review the proposed budget and see where and how our tax dollars are being spent. Are there some groups and committees receiving money that you feel shouldn't? Is our town going to be reimbursed in part for the resident troopers or foot the whole bill? How much more money is going to be spent on tribal recognition and annexation? Isn't that a state/federal fight now? Check out the increase for the cemetery committee. Are we really giving $50,000 to the library for windows? Maybe that should go toward school windows.

    You can view the budget online, pick up a hard copy, or have one emailed to you. Our town still has some big projects coming, so maybe this is the year for accountability. I urge you to review, vote and be heard.

    Brian A. Rathbun

    North Stonington