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    Saturday, June 01, 2024

    Madoff scam pales compared to Obamacare

    Bernie Madoff said his secretive methods were "too complicated for outsiders to understand," just like the Democrat Obamacare bill that Rep. Pelosi said must be passed to "find out what is in it." Madoff is said to have engineered the scam of the century at $65 billion, a distant second to what the Obamacare fraud will cost taxpayers! A front page sidebar article, “Democrats see skimpy insurance as the next health care issue,” (May 24) quotes Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Wash. "It costs too much to use the care. That is the deceptive part about it." Deception was vital to Bernie Madoff who finally admitted it was all a lie. Obamacare was based on lies, deception and secrecy. M.I.T. Professor Jonathan Gruber boasted, "Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. Call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but that was really critical to getting the thing to pass."

    Bernie Madoff is in prison, but the serial liar-in-chief and his acolytes who foisted the infinitely more egregious Obamacare fraud bask in positions of privilege and power.

    Unscrupulous financiers betray hapless clients; unscrupulous, incompetent, self-serving politicians betray the trust of all Americans. Think before you vote! 

    John C. Goodrich
