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    Sunday, June 16, 2024

    Shipman had wrong focus with letter

    In characterizing Rev. Shipman’s, “Editorial made case for boycott of Israel,” (June 19), bemoaning the necessity for a “two-state” solution to the Israel: Palestinian dilemma, a most liberal diagnosis would have the reverend suffering from chronic “put the cart before the horse” syndrome. A two-state solution presupposes something quintessential that one of the two sides, the Palestinians won’t recognize: two states for two people.

    In fact, Mahmoud Abbas has repeatedly declared his refusal to recognize Israel as the National Homeland of the Jewish People, while demanding any future Palestinian state to be judenrein (Jew-free). The only real occupation that exists is the preoccupation Rev. Shipman has with demonizing Israel.

    Diane Biegel
