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    Sunday, June 16, 2024

    Facebook posts deeper than Powell column

    Is "The Journal Inquirer" a Facebook social posting site? I ask this because I just finished reading a "post" by Chris Powell that seemed in line with "articles" I have read via electronic media written by authors like OustDems and POTUSisMuslim.

    He starts the article by saying the Democrats' most urgent issues are uni-sex bathrooms and ending immigration laws. Not exactly what I hear Bernie and Hillary teeing off with at their rallies, but I figured Chris must be using this this type of Trump-like "fact stating" as a lead-in for a scathing review of the Dem's stand on some important social issue. But, I was incorrect.

    Chris used this disingenuous introduction to rail against Dannel Malloy's medical insurance consolidation plan! Talk about obfuscation! And then, at the end of his "insightful" piece, “Corrupt Connecticut, police and politicians,” (June 19), he writes, "...like Malloy, President Obama is far more concerned about bathroom rights than economic consolidation..." Where did that come from?

    I understand when semi-literate writers on Facebook state their unsupported views with little logic and sparse "facts." But why waste space in a fine journalistic publication like The Day to allow a Facebook-like columnist to share his unsupported dislike for those in public service?

    Thomas Purdy
