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    Saturday, June 15, 2024

    Voting for Clinton could destroy U.S.

    America is in decline. It cannot stand when its politicians constantly destroy the morals and the values upon which this great nation was founded. I cannot but equate with what is happening in the cesspool of Washington with what happened with the fall of the Roman Empire. During the reign of Emperors Caligula and Nero there were 32,000 prostitutes in Rome. During their reign they became infamous for wasting money on lavish parties where guests drank and ate until they became sick. Our politicians today emulate the corruption and immorality of the Romans of the first century A.D. The nation cannot stand with this kind of leadership. The litany of corruption associated with the Clintons ever since their time in Arkansas is just like the corruption that led to the fall of the Roman Empire. A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for the final destruction of America. Hillary is the personification of the saying: “power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." 

    Fr. Constantine J. Simones, retired
