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    Sunday, June 16, 2024

    Thiessen got it wrong on Iran payment deal

    Marc A. Thiessen's opinion piece on, "Dem hysteria," (May 17), cites a viral but baseless rumor that the Obama administration paid "hundreds of millions of dollars" for the release of American prisoners from Iran, an accusation that has been repeatedly and thoroughly debunked.

    The website Snopes.com labels the story "False" and notes that "the $400 million transfer was actually an openly announced one, paid in settlement of a nearly 40-year dispute between Iran and the United States — a settlement that likely saved the United States several billion dollars."

    More details about the actual events may be found on the Snopes website. This sort of fake news, founded in coincidence, rumor, and conspiracy theory, is unworthy of publication in your newspaper, and at least requires an editor's note pointing to the actual facts.

    While Thiessen is entitled to his opinion, his citing false claims of this sort should prompt every fair-minded reader to question the rest of his opinion and his conclusions carefully. 

    Craig Edwards
