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    Friday, September 20, 2024

    Connecticut senators wrong to delay relief package approval

    Did our two U.S. Senators make the right decision to vote against the U.S. Senate proposed coronavirus stimulus packages proposed on March 22? Did their delayed approval of the same bill on March 25, that saw little or no change, relieve the anxiety of hard-hit workers and small businesses? How many workers, uncertain of their ability to financially survive, have made unwise decisions to continue work and violate social distancing guidelines? How many small businesses laid off workers because of financial uncertainty that the initial package would have provided?

    Regardless of your political affiliation, one must question the judgment of our senators decision to put politics ahead of the health and well-being of their constituents and America's. Going forward we must all hold our politicians accountable for careless decisions.

    William Folland

    Old Lyme

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