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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    Rubino well prepared for coming challenges

    I am writing in support of Dave Rubino for state representative. The shoreline has an unparalleled need for new approaches and proactive leadership to help us navigate the next couple of years. We face a shoreline economy approaching recession, with small business owners and service workers shouldering the heaviest load. We face an intrepid coronavirus heading toward a fall/winter spike of new cases. These spikes may be quite different than we saw in the spring. The U.S. Supreme Court is likely to remove legal protections we currently value. These rights are likely to lose their federal standing and be returned to state government to be considered afresh.

    Whatever the outcome on Nov. 3, much will be left to state and local actions. Our elected representatives must try new approaches and inspire continued cooperation. We need to ensure the solutions help us all rise together, rather than exacerbate income inequality.

    Dave Rubino’s life has been on a road less traveled, pushing for innovative solutions and human welfare in some difficult places in the world. These experiences have equipped Dave to think out of the box. He is a lawyer, which will assist him as he works to turn these ideas into effective legislation.

    Carol House


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