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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    Term limits needed for Congress and Supreme Court

    I am writing again about Cal Thomas’ (Dec. 8) column which contained a lot of misinformation with no facts. The last time there was a government shutdown my Republicans in Congress caused it to happen. I understand why the defense bill is trying to get passed before my party has the majority in the House (spending spree per Cal). I have no doubt funding for Ukraine will be cut.

    Cal stated, “A majority of the GOP caucus voted last week to restore earmarks.” Earmark is funding to reserve or set aside for a specific purpose. At this time, I have no idea why the GOP caucus is restoring earmarks. Unless it is to continue building a wall in our southern states.

    On our national debt, since Reagan warned against debt, Congress has increased the debt every year including when Reagan was president. Both the GOP and Democrats are at fault. To decrease our country’s debt, I recommend the 20% elite and corporations start paying their fair share of taxes. On our Congress over spending every year, I recommend term limits for all federal employees which would include the U.S. Congress, federal judges, and Supreme Court.

    Stephen Snyder


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