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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    Were appropriate procedures followed to hire consultant?

    Recently the Norwich City Council passed ordinance 1832 along party lines by the Democratic majority on the council after being vehemently opposed by numerous taxpayers and Mayor Peter Nystrom at a hearing. One particular councilperson was very vocal and went out of his way to be sure this ordinance was passed despite the opposition by numerous taxpayers.

    I do not question the need to maintain adequate fire protection for our city by our paid fire department and volunteer fire departments. I do question the need to pass unnecessary Ordinance 1832 to modify the current section 8-17 of the Norwich Code of Ordinances when the current policy of fire protection has served the public well.

    Ordinance 1832 puts the chiefs of volunteer fire departments in a subordinate position to the paid fire department chief for all calls and basically gives the paid fire chief complete autonomy for all fire calls. The real question is: Was the McGrath Consulting Group's findings, which triggered the origin of this Ordinance 1832, hired by the city under appropriate bidding process or the result of "Backroom Politics" by a select group of city officials?

    Robert H. Strick


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