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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    ‘What has the left morphed into?’

    I read, “Can Paul Ryan save what’s left of conservatism?,” (March 5), with interest. Columnist S.E. Cupp makes some good points but when she says "the right has morphed into something unrecognizable.” I got to thinking. What has the left morphed into? Certainly not the party of JFK as we knew him, I will leave it at that.

    Trump has bloviated himself into a position of power in the GOP. Well, he was president. I would lay a bet with Ms. Cupp that there are as many conservatives that wish Trump would go away as there are liberals that wished Biden would not run again.

    She claims that conservatives have forgone policies and principles. She ought to play back the recording of what the right is preaching. Parental choice is championed as a fundamental right as applies to the choice of school and age appropriate curriculum, and the halting of hyphenating Americans in favor of unity in the melting pot. What does she talk about? Mr. Potato head.

    Her rant may have had more merit if its main subject was Paul Ryan rather than FOX News. Well, I will be. Ms. Cupp (reportedly a Republican) works for CNN. Conflict of interest?

    Ted Genard


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