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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    Russian collusion in election was ‘made up’

    Yes folks, it's official, Special Counsel John Durham's investigation into Russia collusion during the 2016 election is over.

    According to early media sources perusing the lengthy 320 pager, no one in the intelligence community, and that includes former FBI Agent Peter Strzok who prepared FBI records on the opening of Crossfire Hurricane, the operation that looked into whether anyone from former President Trump's campaign coordinated with Russian interference in the 2016 elections, had any information to request FISA warrants to conduct the operation.

    There was no information to warrant an investigation, it was all MADE UP; no one in the Trump campaign colluded with any Russian interference there was NO evidence to suggest collusion, according to this report.

    Unfortunately, with the help of media and external foreign sources just mentioning Russian interference and tying the Trump campaign to it was enough to warrant an over two-years-long investigation, costing millions and hampering the first two years of the Trump presidency.

    Still, former President Trump accomplished a great deal and ushered in a vibrant economy despite being falsely accused.

    Begs the question, was there actual Russian interference?

    Malcolm R. Jules


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