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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    No budget cuts for CT colleges and universities

    Budget cuts to our Connecticut colleges and universities are not in the best interest of our residents.

    According to the National Center for Education statistics (NCES), total enrollment in post-secondary institutions is expected to increase between fall 2023 and fall 2031. Public colleges and universities will experience an increase from 13,861,062 in 2023 to 14,784,933 or 923.871 students in 2031. It is not logical to cut budgets when enrollments are projected to increase.

    This will have an exponential impact on our economy. College and university graduates are needed to keep all segments of our economy functioning. Unfortunately, if the proposed budget cuts are approved, fewer and fewer students will not be inclined to continue their education because the major disciplines they are interested in pursuing will be cut.

    Also, students’ financial obstacles today are insurmountable for many. Our community college system is an affordable gateway for many of our college students. The proposed cuts may result in fewer community colleges.

    The proposed budget cuts are ill advised.

    C. Kevin Synnott


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