Is there something in the air?
With two religious factions, who claim the same God, killing one another, with despots brutally imposing their power, and with political incivility crippling our country, on Halloween night, with my wife away visiting a close friend, I simply wanted to turn off the lights and hide out ... or go to the local bar. But feelings of guilt dominated.
I went to the closet, fetched the pumpkins, orange lights, and spider webs, bought $20 worth of candy, and set up shop. At 6, the shy, costumed toddlers came with their parents in tow, some also in costumes. Around 7, the teenagers began to arrive. To my surprise, they were all friendly and polite with their trick-or-treat greetings, thank yous, and a Happy Halloween as they left. When I presented my candy bowl with a "Take two," many said, "No, one is enough." When I commented on my bowl running low, one teen reached into her pillowcase, grabbed a handful of her stash, and filled my bowl, saying, "Here, I have a lot. Take some of mine ... Happy Halloween." It was better than sitting in the dark alone, and the $20 was less than a potential bar bill.
Maybe this generation will turn the chaos into civility and a new stability.
Richard Conover
Gales Ferry
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