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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    Why lack of military readiness?

    Lack of military readiness, caused in part by dissension against a political power grab, hurt Israel’s response to a sneak attack. How is our military readiness? Facts show it’s significantly reduced. Most notably, 273 (Sept. 2023) of our best senior military personnel are not in place because one Republican senator is blocking confirmation. He says the positions are being covered by others. Yes, but they are not covered by the “best,” and we need the best in charge for optimum readiness. The consensus against him is overwhelming, but he persists.

    We didn’t have a House Speaker for three weeks paralyzing Congress and now we have a novice. Senate-passed aid to Israel and Ukraine will be delayed or worse. Again, Republican action is damaging national security readiness. Seven Republican senators on the Foreign Relations Committee signaled opposition to Biden’s nomination for Ambassador to Israel, thus delaying confirmation since July and now we need an up-to-speed Ambassador and don’t have one.

    Too many Republican House members seem to relish shutting down the government at the next upcoming budget crisis which, of course, will hurt readiness. Our military readiness has been and continues to suffer because of one political party.

    Ronald Cummings


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