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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    Post-election message for Republicans

    I preface this message with the fact that Trump lost the popular vote to Clinton by three million votes, to Biden by six million votes, lost the Senate, and while MAGA is popular within your party, it is a gift to Democrats. Republicans, drop MAGA and move on. Republicans, when did your become the party of intrusive government? You want to control women’s bodies. You want to control what we read. You want to control how we parent. You want to control what we say. You want to control our sexuality. You want to control our health care. You want to control our religion. You want to control our education. You want to control every part of our lives except firearms.

    If Republicans want to become relevant again treat all issues like you treat the second amendment. To paraphrase Charlton Heston on how Americans feel, “You will have to pry our freedoms from our cold dead hands.” So stop already with your attempt to control us and just get back to simply staying out of our lives and unglamorously become the party of fiscal responsibility. Americans can relate to that.

    Philip Brose


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