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    Saturday, July 27, 2024

    Target the wrongdoers, yes!

    Regarding Joseph Greene's letter to the editor, Jan. 8, "Target the wrongdoers — the world is watching," targeting the wrongdoers is precisely what Israel is doing. It was given no choice by Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Fatah and the thousands of Gaza civilians who joined in perpetrating their barbaric slaughter on Oct. 7. Greene naïvely calls for a ceasefire, which would reward Hamas, help it fulfill its vow to repeat those atrocities and bring more death and devastation to Gaza. There was a ceasefire in effect when Hamas launched its pogrom.

    As during all previous ceasefires, Hamas diverted much of the aid sent for the civilians in Gaza, using it to build its extensive network of tunnels, extending under homes, schools, mosques and hospitals, despite assurances by the international community nothing would get to Hamas. This is the primary reason there has been so much destruction in Gaza. Hamas and the other Palestinian terror groups share blame for the Oct. 7 massacre and aftermath with those in the international community who repeatedly saved Hamas in the past by forcing premature ceasefires and then effectively rearming and strengthening Hamas. We must not repeat those devastating mistakes.

    Alan Stein

    Natick, Mass.

    The writer, formerly a longtime resident of Connecticut, is President Emeritus of PRIMER-Connecticut (Promoting Responsibility in Middle East Reporting)

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