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    Local News
    Friday, September 20, 2024

    Petition to force New London budget referendum falls short of required signatures

    New London — The local watchdog group protesting a 3.8 percent tax increase failed Wednesday to get the necessary signatures for a referendum on the 2013-14 budget.

    But Looking Out for Taxpayers intends to go out and get more signatures and file an amended petition, according to member William Cornish.

    The group was about 60 signatures short of the 483 needed to force a vote on the $82 million budget, which will take effect July 1. City Clerk Nathan Caron accepted the petition Wednesday afternoon and confirmed there were not enough signatures. The required number is 10 percent of those who voted in the last municipal election.

    Under the charter, the group has 10 days to file an amended petition. Those who sign the petition must be electors in the city and the clerk has to verify the signatures with voting rolls.


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