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    Sunday, June 02, 2024

    Alleged victim testifies at sexual assault trial of Waterford soldier

    An 18-year-old college student spent much of Tuesday on the witness stand in a New London courtroom, where she testified that Jarah M. Davis of Waterford gave her several types of hard liquor on May 23, 2015, before sexually assaulting her while she was so intoxicated, she could not move or speak.

    Davis, 29, is on trial in Superior Court for first-degree sexual assault, second-degree sexual assault with a person who is physically helpless and delivery of alcohol to a minor. He has pleaded not guilty and opted for a trial before a six-member jury.

    The Day does not identify the alleged victims of sexual assault. The young woman grew up in a small town in Connecticut and now attends college out of state, according to her testimony. She alleges the crimes took place when she was 16 years old at the Mary Street, Waterford, home where Davis lived with his wife, Kaitlyn, and their children. Under direct examination by prosecutor Theresa Anne Ferryman, she testified Tuesday that Davis and his wife, whom she knew, invited her to sleep over at their house after they all attended a party together in Niantic.

    She said all three of them drank together in the finished basement, or "man-cave" that Kaitlyn Davis had fixed up for her husband, an Army soldier, while he was deployed overseas. After the wife went to bed, she said Davis continued to pour drinks as they sat at the bar. She said she drank Dewar's scotch, vodka and "maybe tequila."  She and Davis started dancing.

    "I was not well," she testified. "My vision was blurry. My speech was slurred."

    When the questioning turned sexual, the alleged victim began crying and asked for a short break. She spent a few minutes with a family member and with victim advocate Stephanie Barber before returning to the witness stand and testifying that Davis had sex with her even though she was resisting.

    "I was on the ground and could not move," she testified. "I was incapacitated. I could not fight back."

    The next thing she remembers, she was on the couch, partially clothed and throwing up on herself, she testified. Davis, who jokingly called her "Pukey," took her into the bathroom off the master bedroom and put her in the shower. As he undressed her, she said she told him she didn't want him to see her body.

    "He said, 'I've seen it before,'" she testified.

    She stayed at the Davis home until the next afternoon, then told her mother about the incident and went to the Middlesex Memorial Hospital "to do a rape kit," the victim testified. According to previous testimony, sperm from a vaginal swab taken at the hospital contained Davis' DNA.

    Defense attorney Michael A. Blanchard cross-examined her for more than two hours, eliciting several inconsistencies between her testimony under direct examination and statements she gave to Waterford police and an investigator for the Department of Families and Children.

    The alleged victim responded, "I don't remember," and "This was a long time ago," to several of Blanchard's questions. He asked her repeatedly to reread statements she had given and respond with the correct answer. Though the woman said she had only consumed alcohol once prior to the incident, at a high school party, Blanchard said the records indicated she had told a doctor at Middlesex Hospital that she occassionally drank one or two beers.

    She appeared impatient with some of the defense attorney's questions, including whether she had stumbled and fallen when she walked from the basement to the master bedroom to check on Kaitlyn Davis.

    "I was drunk," she said. "I don't remember."

    She admitted she had told police that even though Davis forced her to the floor and sexually assaulted her, he was "surprisingly gentle."

    The trial will resume on Wednesday.
