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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    Connecticut will reap what voters for Democrats sowed

    When I walked into the studio for my first day at 94.9 and cracked the mic – which, by the way, is radio lingo for turning on my microphone – I asked my listeners a question: “What’s the real difference between a Democrat and a Republican?”

    Clearly, I was being a little sarcastic considering 77 percent of my audience identifies as right-leaning conservative and I was simply stoking the fire for the anticipated conservative vocal response. The calls came fast and furious. They ran the gamut from, "Dems are communists/anti-American/socialists” to “the left is filled with liars/morons/ haters/thieves."

    I remember one caller in particular, shouting that the main difference between the left and the right is about 35 IQ points. He hung up before I could ask, but I have always assumed he meant the Republicans were smarter. Fast forward to today, where there is an interesting personal side note. Although, yes, 77 percent of my “listeners” are conservative, I would guess 80 percent of my friends are liberal.

    The fact that I know so many liberals made me wonder how my friends were celebrating the big blue Connecticut tsunami on Election Day. Since I personally wasn't invited to any of the Democratic election parties, I imagined them sitting legs folded youga-style in a semi-circle, sipping white zinfandel, vaping something minty and eating specially homogenized low-fat goat cheese sandwiches. I figure a few were waving homemade "Love Trumps Hate" signs while mocking Fox News anchors as they read the election results.

    That vision of their celebrations, right or wrong, leads me to ask my liberal friends a serious question: Do you hate Trump so much you’re willing to risk the financial wellbeing of this state on your festering personal acrimony?

    The short answer is apparently “yes.” Make that a thunderous, 100 percent “YES!”

    But that’s not a surprise. In terms of registered voters, Democrats have a built-in five-to-three advantage in the Nutmeg State. When you combine that with the “Trump Factor,” Republicans were doomed from the start. Bob Stefanowski could have exhumed Abe Lincoln and had his corpse distribute “Vote for Bob” bumper stickers at polling locations and it wouldn’t have made a difference.

    The numbers are overwhelming and more than a little depressing for conservatives: five Democratic U.S. congressmen; two Democratic U.S. senators; a 23-13 Democratic advantage in the state Senate, and an unbreakable Democratic lock in the state House.

    In other words: one-party rule.

    Only a few of the strongest state Republicans were able to survive. Voters ignored the fact that while the rest of America has seen tremendous economic gains, Connecticut remained the least business-friendly state in the country. According to their annual “Best States” listings, U.S. News and World Report ranked Connecticut 43rd in overall economy; 41st in fiscal stability; 48th in growth; 49th in the growth of young population; and 47th in cost of living.

    Yes, we had early gains this year: Our economic growth in the first three months was up 1.6 percent, which was the second fastest in New England. It’s a good start for the state’s economy, but those numbers are up because of President Trump. Trump and the Republican Congress slashed taxes and gave the business community confidence. Love him or hate him, the president has been a boom for the economy.

    Remember, this is in a state that is already last in just about every conceivable economic metric. With Democrats remaining in charge Connecticut’s taxpayers will suffer with less money, less opportunity, and less security. And yet, on Nov. 6th, Connecticut got a fresh new coat of blue paint.

    People love predictions, so here are a few you can take to the bank:

    1. At least one and maybe as many as three major Connecticut municipalities will file for bankruptcy.

    2. We’ll have a major municipal employee work stoppage.

    3. Real crime will explode in the state-run sanctuary cities.

    4. You’ll pay a higher income tax and you’ll dig deep for tolls.

    I love the term, “You reap what you sow.” It’s simple, honest and almost always accurate.

    Get ready, Connecticut, to reap what you sow.

    Lee Elci is the morning host for 94.9 News Now radio, a local station that provides “Stimulating Talk” with a conservative bent.

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