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    Friday, June 07, 2024

    Nothing hateful about resistance to Trump

    A recent writer to the editor, “’Movement filled with hateful acts and words,” (Jan. 28), lamented the hate speech his friends post on social media and write on signs. He also faulted others who take a knee, yell profanities and spew hatred. Although he did not provide context, the complaint is consistent with commentary from the political right. 

    I recently participated, along with millions of others, in the Women’s March. Opposition to President Trump’s sexism, racism and threats to democratic institutions was obvious. But signs and comments expressed “ridicule” not hate. Marchers were very upset with Trump: his bragging about grabbing women; leading birtherism; calling Mexican immigrants rapists, murderers, and drug dealers; asserting there are “good” people in Nazi and KKK groups; and attacking judges and federal institutions.

    His use of the word “s…hole” to describe African and South American countries also got considerable attention. Overall, marchers were there to appeal for peace, tolerance, and justice, not to “spew hate.” 

    The writer’s conflation of “hatred” and “ridicule” is a common tactic used to diminish critics by attributing extremist positions to them. It is the president, not “movement” people, who presents the greatest threat to American norms, values and institutions. 

    David M. Collins

    New London